Peaches two-ways, for today's entry.
I picked a nice looking picture of peaches on tree, and got to work. One of my goals this month has been to experiment with new hues, and that is what I did today.
For this first one I picked two new hues that I have never used before - Prussian Blue and Quin Red. I wanted to use Indian Yellow, but I didn't have it on hand. I went with Azo yellow instead.
Peaches in watercolor
While I don't hate it, I felt like this picture lacked good design. I like the central peach well enough but the leaves lack life, and the tonal composition of this whole painting needs more attention.
Peaches in watercolor
For the next one I wanted to keep the design simple, try not recreate the picture as I see it but painting what would look interesting. The effect is entirely different, and I am kinda proud of stepping out of my comfort zone.
This one is painted with Azo yellow, Prussian blue and Pyrrol red.